Hair Blog


My Hair Transplant Surgery by Dr. Larry Fryedman D.C.

Submitted by on Wed, 15/03/2006 - 20:36
Dr. Larry Fryedman's Hair Transplant Surgery. Three days prior I began preparing myself for the procedure. I avoided any alcohol consumption and anti-inflammatory and ASA medication for 72 hours. I arrived at 8 am after having a full breakfast. It was going to be a long day and there was no point going hungry....

Hair Loss Remedies That Are Right For You

Submitted by on Tue, 14/03/2006 - 10:46
I created this guide after going through volumes of hair loss remedies in order to determine how to deal with my progressive baldness. Only with this thorough research of all the hair loss remedies was I able to make a logical decision regarding the best hair loss product for me. Believe me you have many options but only a